Raspberry and Vanilla Sponge Cake Recipe


4 eggs
- 227g butter, room temperature
- 227g self-raising flour, sieved
- 227g caster sugar
- 2 tsp vanilla extract

- Pink food colouring
- 500g icing sugar
- 200g butter
- 1 tbsp milk
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 tbsp Raspberry Jam

- 400g raspberries
- 4 tbsp raspberry jam


Preheat the oven to 160°C (fan oven)
- Grease and line three 6" round tins
- Cream together the butter and sugar
- Alternate between adding flour and eggs/vanilla, starting and ending with flour
- Split evenly between the three tins
- Bake for ~15 mins, until the tops are golden brown and the edges come away from the tins
- Leave to cool in the tins for a few minutes before turning out on a wire rack to cool completely

- Cream the butter until very soft
- Add the icing sugar and mix using the whisk beater until well combined
- Add in the food colouring, vanilla and milk and continue mixing until light and fluffy (~5 minutes in total)

- Level the tops of the cakes using a cake saw (or bread knife)
- Put the first layer on to the plate and spread jam on top
- Spread buttercream on the bottom of the second layer and Sandwich it on top of the first layer
- Repeat with the third layer
- Apply a crumb coat of buttercream on the sides and top.
- Leave to harden in the fridge for at least 30 mins
- Apply second layer of buttercream to the sides and top
- Cover the top of the cake with raspberries
- Eat :) 


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